Smart Trends goes into a slightly deeper overview from the Analytics homepage, and details specific demographic information and trends from all waivers, participants and check-ins. If you allow minors on your waiver, multiple participants will be counted as having “checked-in” and will therefore be added to your Smart Trends stats.
Waivers Signed at Your Location
By default, every participant that is listed on a waiver signed at your location is automatically “checked-in” and will be counted on the day of their activity.
Waivers Signed Online
Participants listed on a waiver signed online, from home, will be counted in your Smart Trends analytics for the month the waiver was signed. If the participant’s activity takes place in a subsequent month, you can check them in manually by selecting the check-in icon next to the participant's name in the Waiver Console when they arrive at your location. Smart Trends will then count them as being “checked-in” on the day of their activity.
A monthly chart with the total number of waivers, participants or check-ins is presented on the first screen.
Clicking on a vertical bar (representing a month) will break down the information into eleven potential categories. The categories presented will depend on the specific information the participants were required to fill out on your smart waiver.
Clicking on any of these categories will break down the information further.
How do I view Smart Trends?
From your account:
Click Analytics in the left sidebar, then click the Smart Trends tab.
When is participant data counted?
All statistics are derived from the day the waivers were signed, including waivers signed online prior to the participant's visit.
Are Smart Trends available to view for Staff Users?
No. Only admin users will be able to view Smart Trends reports.
How do I opt out of the email notifications?
A monthly Smart Trends overview report is sent to the email address associated with your Smartwaiver account. If you would like to opt-out from receiving these reports, click on the My Accounts tab and click on Email link. Uncheck the box and click the Update button.
Total Participants = Number of participants listed on a signed waiver. Each signed and submitted waiver can include multiple participants (adult plus minors).
Check-in = Participants that have signed your smart waiver and that you have indicated as having “checked in” using the Smartwaiver check-in feature.
Age = The age of the participants listed on the signed waiver
Country = The country in which the participant signing the waiver resides
State = The state in which the participant signing the waiver resides
Zip Code = The zip code in which the participant signing the waiver resides
Daily = Daily count of participants on your signed waivers
Day of the Week = The day the waiver was signed
Hour of the Day = The hour of the day the waiver was signed
Check-in Count = The number of participants that were checked-in using the Smartwaiver check-in tool
Adult vs. Minor
Adult = Only participants above the age of majority are listed on the waiver that was checked in.
Minor = Participants both above and below the age of majority are listed on the waiver that was checked in.
Kiosk vs. Web
Kiosk = Participants that have signed your smart waiver using the Smartwaiver app at your location
Web = Participants that signed your smart waiver from a device not at your location
Related Articles:
Smartwaiver Analytics Tools
How do I use the Check-in Tool?
Can I download signed waiver information as a CSV file?