If you are using Constant Contact for your email marketing system, you can automatically transfer participant contact information from Smartwaiver to Constant Contact with Smartwaiver Third-Party Integration. Note: Be sure that your waiver is set up to accept 'opt-in' to your email marketing list. The 'opt-in' box must be checked in order for Smartwaiver to integrate directly with Constant Constact.
- Click on the My Account link on your sidebar and then click on the Integrations tab.
- Select Constant Contact from the Smartwaiver Integrations. Click on the Add Integration button.
- Select the waiver template you will be using and click on the ADD INTEGRATION button.
- Enter your login information for Constant Contact and then choose Allow on the next screen.
- Select your Constant Contact List and timeline for Integrate email addresses and then select Integrate Constant Contact
6. Once Constant Contact is integrated you will see a green status light in the upper right hand corner of the page. You can Disable the integration by selecting this button. When the status button is greyed-out, integration is disabled.
All participant contact information from your Smartwaiver Console will now integrate with your Constant Contact account. Constant Contact will ensure that no duplicate email addresses will be added.