AIM is a robust point of sale and retail management solution that offers inventory control, automated purchasing, customer management and loyalty programs, sales reporting, employee security and more.
The AIM integration allows you to retrieve signed smart waivers and associate those waivers with the customer record in your POS.
Below are instructions on how to set up the integration:
****NOTE: Please contact Tri-Tech for a program code to use Smartwaiver.
1) Sign up with Smartwaiver.
To use the Smartwaiver feature in AIM you must first set up an account with Smartwaiver. When you sign up for the 15-day free trial, you can use your account with AIM.
2) Send your waiver
Have your attorney or insurance company draft a liability waiver for your business. Once you have a Smartwaiver account, simply send the waiver as a PDF or Word doc to and we'll convert it into a digital smart waiver you can use online.
3) Create an API Key.
An API key is a reference to your signed waivers stored on the Smartwaiver website. You can obtain the API key here:
4) Set up Smartwaiver in AIM
- On the Maintenance menu, select Active-e > Active-e Setup. The Active-e Setup window displays.
- Select SmartWaiver in the grid
- Select Enable SmartWaiver.
- Enter the API key provided by Smartwaiver in the API Key box.
- In the grid, click Click here to add a new row.
- In the AIM Customer Field column, select the new row and click the drop-down arrow. Select the AIM field you want to use. Set up custom fields for cell phone, employer, home phone, and notes.
- In the Smartwaiver Custom Field column, enter the corresponding Smartwaiver field appended with a colon, for example, Notes: A list of Smartwaiver custom fields can be found in the Smartwaiver documentation.
- Select a default customer type to use when a new AIM customer is created from a waiver in the Customer Default box.
- Select an email method in the Email Method box to assign to a new AIM customer when one is created from a waiver.
- Complete any remaining fields as desired.
- Click Save.
5) Setting your system variables for waivers
AIM offers three system variables to use with your waivers.
ShowLastWaiverDate Set up this variable if you want to add a Last Waiver box to the Customer History window. This box will display the last date a waiver was pulled in to AIM for the selected customer.
ExpiredWaiverColor Set up this variable to display a customer's name in a specific color on the Customer Search window if they have an expired waiver on file.
MissingWaiverColor Set up this variable to display a customer's name in a specific color on the Customer Search window if they do not have a waiver on file.
6) Using the Smartwaiver program
Prerequisites: You must have your customer attachment storage folder set up before you can view waiver PDFs. If it is not, do so on tab 7 (Files) of the Work Stations window.
- On the Modules menu, select Customer > Smartwaiver. The Smartwaiver window displays.
- Enter the number of hours back that you want to view Smartwaivers for in the Retrieve Only for the Last __ Hours box, if different from the default value.
- Click Get Waivers to import waivers from Smartwaiver.
- If desired, filter your results using the fields and Refresh button above the grid.
- Select a row in the top grid.
- Click Find Cust to manually search for and select a customer or click Match Customer to have AIM automatically search for and match to an existing customer based on information in the selected row, if possible. Once identified, the Account column in the grid populates with their AIM customer account number.
- Click Update Cust to update the customer with the new customer information on the waiver as desired.