Smartwaiver offers the ability to change your service plan at any time. You can either upgrade or downgrade based on how many signed waivers you anticipate for the next 30 days.
When you upgrade your plan, a credit will be issued to your account for the unused days on your current plan and a new billing cycle for the new plan will begin.
How the credit appears in your Billing settings when you change plans:
An Example:
Bob's Business is signed up for the Growth plan which allows 200 waivers per month for $37/month. His billing cycle ends on the 15th of each month.
On the 28th of the month, Bob receives an email from Smartwaiver notifying him that he has used 75% of his allotted 200 signed waivers for the current billing cycle. He anticipates receiving 100 more waivers in the next five days, which would put him over his limit.
So, in order to avoid a disruption in service, Bob easily upgrades to the Starter Plan which allows 300 signed waivers per month for $55 per month. When he upgrades, his account is immediately credited for the five days that he did not use the Professional Plan and he starts a new billing cycle on that day. His new plan now allows 300 waivers per month which he can upgrade or downgrade again at any time depending on his business levels.
Breaking it Down by the Numbers:
Growth Plan = $37/month ($1.23 per day in a 30 day billing cycle)
Bob upgrades to the Starter Plan ($55/month) with 9 days left in his billing cycle.
A credit of $11.10 ($1.23 x 9 days) is issued to his account.
His new billing cycle begins immediately.
He pays $43.90 for his new Business Plan for the first month ($55-$11.10 credit).
If Bob remains on his current plan, the next month he will be charged $55 on the 19th of the month.
To Upgrade Your Service Plan:
1. Click on My Account and then Billing
2. Click the green + Change Plan button
3. Select a monthly or annual plan that allows more waivers than your current plan.
Related Articles:
How do I downgrade my service plan?
What happens if I go over my monthly waiver limit?