Your monthly waiver usage is captured under the Billing section of your account. If you are concerned about exceeding your monthly limit, please note that Smartwaiver will automatically send an email once you've reached 75% of your monthly usage.
You can also view a complete history of your signed waiver count per day and export as a CSV file.
To view your monthly usage:
Click on the My Account icon and then Billing.
From here, you can review:
- Monthly Usage History
- Current Service Plan
- Next Billing Date/Reset Date
- Past invoices
- Credit card information on file
To view your Monthly Usage History simply click on the Usage History tab
You can download the waivers counted here by selecting the Download as CSV link.
The exported CSV file will display the Date and Count per date.
If you need to download the details of your signed waivers, visit the support page on how to export information from completed waivers to a CSV file.