If your business experiences a high volume of customers checking in at your front desk you can use barcode technology with Smartwaiver to streamline the check-in process. Using a barcode scanner you can scan your participants’ smartphone screen OR a barcode key tag that you provide to your customers.
To Use Barcode Key Tags You Will Need
Barcode Scanner For Your Computer
We recommend the Zebra DS2208. This scanner can read both phone screens and 2D barcodes from key tags omnidirectionally (i.e: all directions - sideways, upside down, etc.)
Key Tags
There are a number of reputable key tag suppliers out there. We recommend 123keytags.com.
How Barcode Key Tags Work
1. After a participant signs your smart waiver and approaches your front desk, search for the participant’s name in the Waiver Console.
2. Click on the name and then click on the Add Tag button from the detail pane on the right side of the screen.
3. Scan a barcode key card with your scanner.
4. A number will be assigned to the participant in the Waiver Console that is now associated with the key card. This will appear as a Tag. (Please note: When using the scanner, only numeric Tags five digits or more can be associated with the card. Alpha-numeric tags will not work).
5. Scan the key card again to check-in the participant. You will notice a the check-in icon highlighted in green next to the name of the participant indicating that they have been checked-in.
6. Now, when that participant returns to your facility they can present their key card to the front desk attendant. A quick scan of the card will then check them in as having a valid, signed waiver on file.
If multiple participants are listed on the signed waiver, you will notice a message in your Waiver Console instructing you to check-in the participant manually.
Tip: The Waiver Console should be open in an internet browser when scanning the barcode.
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