For instructions on how to uninstall the Smartwaiver Kiosk app from any Android device are below:
- Tap the screen of your Android device FIVE times in the same spot.
- If you have a pin number set for your device enter it on the pop up screen.
- Click on Exit App.
- Enter the pin number for your device again.
- Drag the Smartwaiver app icon to the top of your screen.
- Click OK to uninstall.
- Click on Manage Device button.
- Uncheck the box in the Device Manager.
- Click Deactivate then click OK.
- Drag the Smartwaiver icon to the top of the screen once again.
- Click OK and the app will be uninstalled from your device.
Note: Be certain to remember any Android pin you set as you'll need it to exit the Smartwaiver app. Your pin may be defaulted to 0000. If you can't remember it or the default doesn't work, then contact your data service provider or phone company to help you reset your pin.