If you or your staff need to sign or initial a document before your participants sign that same document, you can use the Prefilled Staff Signature feature in the Waiver Editor.
1) Click on Create/Edit Waivers and either create a new template or edit an existing template and click Settings button.
2) Scroll down to the Prefilled Staff Signature section and toggle to On. Enter the name of the staff member that will be pre-signing the document and indicate whether the signature/initials should be presented in normal Text font or in Cursive and then close the window.
3) Now, when you click on the Body tab in the Waiver Editor, you will see the option to add Staff Initial and Staff Signature anywhere within the body of the waiver.
4) Drag these fields into the body of the waiver.
5) Publish your waiver. You will see the Staff Initials and Staff Signature prefilled.